Higher Physics

Electricity and Electronics - Activity 8

Alternating current - peak and r.m.s. values

Aim - To establish a relationship between peak and equivalent direct (r.m.s.) values of voltage.     Instructions
  • Switch on the left hand lamp.
  • Adjust the a.c. voltage to give a peak alternating voltage of 1 V (peak to peak of 2 V)
  • Leave this circuit switched on.
  • Switch on the right hand circuit.
  • Adjust the d.c. voltage so that the lamp is the same brightness as the left hand lamp.
  • Measure the deflection of the spot on the oscilloscope. This gives a measure of the direct voltage across the lamp.
  • Repeat the measurements for a.c. peak voltages of 2 V, 3 V, and 4 V.
  • Plot a graph of direct voltage against peak a.c. voltage
  • Determine the gradient of the graph
  • State the relationship between V d.c. and V peak using the value obtained from the gradient of the graph
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