Higher Physics

Electricity and Electronics - Activity 11   

Charging and discharging characteristics for a capacitor

Aim - To observe the variation of the current through, and the p.d. across the capacitor during the charge and discharge cycle.     Instructions
         The capacitor is discharged and the switch is open.
  • Click the red buttoned switch to close the switch and start the timer.
  • Record values of current I and p.d. V every 10 seconds until the measured p.d. becomes constant
  • Plot graphs of current I and p.d. V against time as the capacitor charges.
  • Describe the change in the current and p.d. as the capacitor charges.
  • Click on the button to change the circuit to allow the capacitor to be discharged.  The capacitor is initially fully charged and the switch is open.
  • Click the red buttoned switch to close the switch and note values for current I and p.d. V for the capacitor every 10 seconds
  • Plot graphs of current I against p.d. V against time as the capacitor discharges.
  • Explain the change in current and p.d. as the capacitor discharges.
  • Compare the direction of current during the charging and discharging cycle and explain any differences.
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