Higher Physics

Electricity and Electronics - Activity 17  

The Inverting Amplifier

Aim - To investigate the Op-Amp in the inverting mode     Instructions
V1   is shown on the left voltmeter and V0 is shown on the right voltmeter.
The input voltage is set by clicking on the potentiometer.
Clicking on the left decreases the voltage in 0.1 V steps
Clicking on the right increases the voltage in 0.1 V steps.
  • Select the input voltages V1 and feedback resistor Rf and copy and complete the table below. 
Rf (W) R1 (W) V1  (V) V0   (V) Rf / R1 V0 / V1
100 k 10 k 0.5      
100 k 10 k 1.2      
100 k 10 k -0.3      
100 k 10 k -1.0      
10 k 10 k 0.8      
10 k 10 k 2.5      
10 k 10 k -0.6      
10 k 10 k -1.8      
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