Advanced Higher Physics

Simple Harmonic Motion


Scholar Notes on Quanta and Waves - pdf file

Definition of SHM in terms of the restoring force and acceleration proportional to, and in the opposite direction to, the displacement from the rest position.

Use of calculus methods to show that expressions in the form of y = A sin ωt and y = A cos ωt are consistent with the definition of SHM ( a = −ω 2 y )

Derivation of the relationship v = ± ω A 2 y 2 and E k = 1 2 2 (A 2 y 2 )

Use of appropriate relationships to solve problems involving the displacement, velocity, acceleration, force, mass, spring constant k, angular frequency, period, and energy of an object executing SHM.

F = −ky

ω = 2πf = T

a = d 2 y dt 2 = ω 2 y

y = A cos ωt = A sin ωt

v = ±ω A 2 - y 2

E k = 1 2 2 (A 2 y 2 )

E p = 1 2 2 y 2

Knowledge of the effects of damping in SHM to include underdamping, critical damping and overdamping.