Broad General Education


S1 Physics

S2 Physics


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Exercise 1

This exercise check to see your understanding of the structure of an atom.

Atomic Structure gap fill exercise

Exercise 2

This exercise check to see your understanding of the charges on sub-atomic particles and what happens when electrons move away from an atom, as well as onto an atom.

Sentence Completion

Static Electricity app

Have you ever wondered why you get a shock when opening a door that has a metal door handle? Have a play with the simulation below to see what is happening.

Now we will look at an experiment where we have two ballons and can charge them by rubbing them on a jumper.

Select the two ballons option in the simulation below. Charge the first ballon by removing half the charge on the jumper. Take the second ballon and charge it with the remaining charge from the jumper.

  1. What do you notice about the charge on the jumper?
  2. Have we created or destroyed charges, or have we just shifted them from one place to another?
  3. Do the two charged balloons attract or repel each other? Why do you think this is?
  4. Are the balloons attracted to the jumper? Why do you think this is?

Inducing a static charge

Using the balloon simulation above select the single ballon option.

  1. What is the overall charge on the wall?
  2. When an uncharged balloon is brought near to the wall what happens?
  3. Partially charge the ballon from the jumper.
  4. When a charged ballon is brought near to the wall what happens to the charges?
  5. Fully charge the balloon from the jumper.
  6. What is different when you bring the balloon close to the wall now?
  7. Why do you think the balloon sticks to the wall?