Physics Support Materials
Virtual Experiments in Higher Physics
Unit 2 - Electricity and Electronics
Activities with a * are current syllabus | Title |
Aim of Experiment |
*Activity 1 | Electric Field patterns | To investigate the electric field patterns around two point charges and two parallel plates. |
*Activity 2 | The Cathode Ray Tube | To investigate the path of the electron beam in a cathode ray tube. |
Activity 3 | e.m.f. and internal resistance with parallel circuits | To determine the internal resistance of a battery |
*Activity 4 | Internal resistance of a cell | To determine the internal resistance of a cell. |
*Activity 5 | The balanced Wheatstone Bridge | To find the resistances of unknown resistors. |
*Activity 6 | The out-of-balance Wheatstone bridge | To investigate the relationship between the current throught the limiting resistor and the change in resistance of one of the resistors in the Wheatstone Bridge. |
*Activity 7 | The out-of-balance Wheatstone bridge - applications | To investigate several applications of the Wheatstone bridge in the out-of-balance condition. |
*Activity 8 | Alternating current - peak and r.m.s.values | To establish a relationship between peak and equivalent direct (r.m.s.) values of voltage. |
*Activity 9 | Calibration of a signal generator. | To measure the output frequency of a signal generator using an oscilloscope. |
*Activity 10 | Charge and potential difference for a capacitor | To investigate the relationship between the voltage across a capacitor and the charge stored on its plates. |
*Activity 11 | Charging and discharging characteristics for a capacitor | To observe the variation of the current through, and the p.d. across the capacitor during the charge and discharge cycles. |
Activity 12 | Response of resistance in a variable frequency a.c.circuit. | To establish a relationship between the current through a resistor and the frequency of the a.c. supply. |
Activity 13 | Current and frequency in a capacitive circuit. | To establish a relationship between the current in a capacitive circuit and the frequency of the a.c. supply. |
*Activity 14 | Uses of capacitors - a flashing neon lamp. | To show the principle of operation of a flashing neon lamp. |
*Activity 15 | Uses of capacitors - d.c. power supply. | To show the effect of capacitors in the production of a smooth d.c. supply from an a.c. supply. |
*Activity 16 | Using a potentiometer | To use a potentiometer to select a range of voltages |
Activity 17 | The Inverting Amplifier | To investigate the Op-Amp in the inverting mode |
Activity 18 | Saturation | To investigate the saturation voltage of the Op-Amp |
Activity 19 | Square wave generator | To investigate how the Op-Amp can be used to produce square waves. |
Activity 20 | The differential amplifier | To investigate the Op-Amp operating in the differential mode |
Activity 21 | The inverting amplifier used to control heavier loads. | To show how the Op-Amp can be used in a circuit to switch on a high current device. |
Activity 22 | The differential amplifier used to monitor light level. | To investigate the use of a differential amplifier with a Wheatstone Bridge to monitor light level. |
*Activity 23 | Forward and reverse-biased p-n junctions | To measure the variation of current with applied p.d. for a forward and reverse-biased p-n junction. |
*Activity 24 | Photodiode - photovoltaic mode | To measure the frequency of an a.c. suppply using a photodiode in photovoltaic mode. |
Activity 25 | Forward and reverse-biased photodiode | To investigate the relationship between the current and applied p.d. for a forward and reverse-biased photodiode. |
Activity 26 | The switching action of an n-channel enhancement MOSFET | To investigate the relationship between the input p.d. and the output p.d. for a MOSFET, and to determine the switching p.d. |